HYBSA Code of

Harvard Youth Baseball and Softball Association Board of Directors (hereafter ‘HYBSA Board’) has instituted this Code of Conduct to ensure that the behavior and conduct of participants during HYSBA activities are consistent with and further the purposes of a safe, fun, competitive learning environment for participants, parents and coaches alike.

Players, managers, coaches, parents, league officials, umpires, scorekeepers, announcers and spectators share the responsibility to display proper behavior at all times. Unsportsmanlike conduct or disrespect for the game, league officials, opposing coaches and teams, the umpires and game officials, the scorekeepers and the spectators will not be tolerated in HYSBA during any of its activities.

The HYBSA Board may take disciplinary action against any participant in the league, including players, coaches, parents, umpires, league officials, and spectators, whose conduct is detrimental to the operation and purpose of HYSBA. While this Code of Conduct enumerates certain conduct that would result in automatic disciplinary action, it is not exhaustive and other conduct not specifically identified in this Code of Conduct could also result in disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action includes reprimands, game ejections, suspensions, expulsion from HYSBA and its activities, and permanent ban from HYSBA.

Player Code of Conduct

The following behavior will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action including immediate ejection from the HYSBA activity (including practices or games), suspension from future activities, and such other action as the HYSBA Board deems appropriate:

  • behaviors which cause a safety concern with self or any other participants
  • verbal disrespect directed towards an umpire, game official, league official, any other player, manager, coach or spectator
  • engaging in offensive behavior; including the use of profane or vulgar language
  • Taunting, criticizing or jeering of opposing players and officials
  • unsportsmanlike conduct including throwing bats, helmets, gloves, or other equipment in anger
  • abusive, harmful or unwarranted disruptions to the game
  • Critical, insulting, foul, or discriminating actions before, during or following games
    or practices.

A player ejected from a game may be allowed to remain in the dugout or asked to leave the proximity of the playing field at the discretion of the umpire and coach. A second violation will result in HYSBA Board meeting with possible expulsion from the league.

Parental Code of Conduct

The following behavior will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action including immediate ejection from the HYSBA activity (including practices or games), suspension from future activities, and such other action as the HYSBA Board deems appropriate:

  • behaviors which cause any safety concern
  • verbal disrespect directed towards an umpire, game official, league official, any player, coach or spectator.
  • arguing with umpires or other game officials
  • engaging in offensive behavior
  • abusive, harmful or unwarranted disruptions to the game
  • using profane or vulgar language